Mob’Europe is a project from Finistère led by the Gwennili association, in partnership with the Missions Locales of Finistère and the BIJ in Brest, which notably provides the coordination within the Brest area. This project is financed by the Erasmus + program and is co-financed by the Departmental Council.
The aim of the project :
The goal of this project is to give the unemployed youth (from 18 to 25 years old) mentored by the Missions Locales of Finistère an opportunity to go on a two-months internship in Seville, Dublin, Hamburg or Pesaro in Italy.
These are professional internships, not job-shadowings. It is therefore essential to have a prior experience in the professional sector intended, such as an internship, a degree, a civic service, a professional experience, etc. The concept of the project is to adapt to the professional areas wanted by the youngsters instead of providing previously targeted sectors.
The key point of the project : The enhanced support
This project is based on a strong partnership between Gwennili, the BIJ and the Missions Locales.
A step-by-step assistance :
– support for the administrative procedures
– a face-to-face language preparation established before the departure
– a collective day of interaction
– two days of collective pre-departure planning workshop
– a constant contact during the internship
– a tripartite evaluation (youngster – Local Mission – Gwennili/Bij)
– a day and a half of collective evaluation back from the internship
– restitution to the Departmental Council
– a follow-through for the projects after the internship
The financial support :
The project covers the costs of :
– the housing and the food during the collective workshops for the pre-departure planning and the evaluation back from the internship
– the round-trip tickets and the local transport
– the housing abroad (family accommodation in Dublin or flatshare in Seville, Hamburg and Pesaro)
– the half board
The intern’s expenses are :
– 400 € of participation fee
– the lunch meals
– the pocket money abroad (at least 200 € per month)
3 waves of departure in 2017/2018 :
The 1st wave of internships :
10 youngsters from Finistère went for internships from March to April 2017 : 2 to Berlin, 2 to Seville and 6 to Dublin. They did their internship in diverse organizations : comic shop, flower shop, logistics company, , highschool, hair salon, pet store, restaurant, recreation centre, etc.
The 2nd wave :
7 youngsters from Finistere went for internships in October 2017 : 4 youngsters from the Brest area (to Dublin) and 3 others from the Mission Locale of Cornouaille (2 to dublin and 1 to Seville). There’s the host organizations : alternative school, pet store, wieldings company, sports center, restaurant, etc.
The 3rd wave :
The last departures occured in March 2018. 16 youngsters went for internships in Hamburg (new location of departure replacing Berlin), Seville and Berlin. The host organizations and associations cover various domains : cafe, associative restaurant, socio-cultural associations, gift shop, wieldings company, etc.
Departures in 2019/2020 :
The project is renewed in 2019/2020 with a new destination : Italy (Pesaro).
The departures :
– The 1st one from March to April 2019
– The 2nd one in October 2019
– The 3rd one during Spring 2020 - cancelled
How to move abroad ?
Contact your Mission Locale advisor and inform them about your interest in the project, then participate to a group information session.